Page 35 - qp_03
P. 35

i.  Most flammable liquids fall into Hazard Group 3. Within each Hazard Class,
                          materials are classified into three Packaging Groups.

                       ii.  Materials in Packing Group 1: Considered the most dangerous; have a boiling
                          point less than or equal to 35  C.

                       iii.  Materials  in  Packing  Group  II:  Considered  moderately  dangerous  have  a
                          boiling point above 35  C and a flash point less than 23 C.

                       iv.  Materials  in  packing  Group  III:  have  a  boiling  point  above  35 C  and  a
                          flashpoint between 23 C and 60 C.

                       v.  Ethanol or ethyl alcohol is most commonly used in concentrations of 70% and
                          is assigned to UN 1170, Class 3. Concentrations between 10% to 80%  fall
                          into Packing Group III, while above 80%, for example specimens inactivated
                          in 95% alcohol for PCR investigations fall into Packing Group II.

                       vi.  Isopropanol  is  most  commonly  used  at  concentrations  of  50%  and  fall  into
                          Packing Group II. Concentrations at 10% to 30% fall into Packing Group III.

                       vii. Preserved  biological  specimens  such  as  fixed  post  mortem  specimens  are
                          usually  in  10%  neutral  buffered  formalin  solutions  and  contain  3.7%  or  4%
                          formaldehyde and are not regulated for transport, provided the volume is kept
                          at the minimum requirement.

                       viii. Formaldehyde more than 10% to less than 25% is classified as “UN 3334,
                          Aviation regulated liquid, formaldehyde, Class 9”.

                       ix.  When shipping Formalin solutions refer to the MSDS to determine the percent
                          of formaldehyde. Full strength Formalin is 37% formaldehyde. Formalin is a
                          mixture of formaldehyde and methyl alcohol. IATA identifies formalin as
                          Formaldehyde solution.

                       x.  Formalin with more than 25% formaldehyde and combined with a flammable
                          substance such as methyl alcohol is classified as “Formaldehyde solution,
                          flammable, UN 1198, Class 3 (Sub risk 8) Packing group III. (Note:
                          Formaldehyde solutions in these concentrations are noxious and can cause
                          extreme annoyance or discomfort to crew members in the event of a spill or
                          leak on an aircraft.)

                       xi.  Formaldehyde, not less than 25% (> 25%) is assigned to UN 2209, Class 8,
                          Formaldehyde solution, Packing Group III.

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