Page 140 - Buku Panduan Perkhidmatan MKAKB
P. 140

the cushioning material or of the outer packaging.
                               For  liquids,  absorbent  material  e.g.  gauze,  cotton,  paper  towel  or  super  absorbent
                                 pad, should be present in case of leakage and for cushioning.
                               A liquid nitrogen dry shipper shall not be used as secondary packaging.

                             c) An outer packaging

                               The outer packaging shall be a solid strong and durable container  fitted with a secure
                                 closure to prevent loss of contents under normal transport conditions.

                          v.  Place primary receptacle into the secondary packaging. Each primary receptacle may be
                             individually  wrapped  or  separated  with  absorbent  material  or  bubble  wrap.  If  multiple
                             primary receptacles are placed in a single secondary packaging, a rubber band may be
                             used to secure all inner receptacles.

                       7.2    LABELLING, MARKING AND DOCUMENTATION
                          i.   Packaging  of  Category  B  and  C  biological  materials  for  surface  transport  should  be
                              labeled clearly with the following information on the outer packaging.
                          ii.   Contact name and organization address of both referral and referring laboratories
                              including 24 hours  emergency  contact  number of the referring laboratory.
                          iii.  If refrigerants are used, their presence is indicated.
                          iv.  Documents  identifying the contents of the primary receptacle or request  forms should be
                              outside  the  secondary  package. v. Any documents required by a transporter shall be
                              accessible without opening the package.

                   8.      REFRIGERANTS

                           i.   Mark the outer  packaging to indicate  what  refrigerant  is being used. This is
                               important  because  some of the refrigerants pose some hazards.

                           ii.   Use a leak-proof outer packaging or overpack if wet ice is used. Contain the ice within
                               its own container, for example a freezer brick or gel pack or within the outer packaging
                               or overpack. All the primary receptacles should not bein direct contact with the

                           iii.  Design and  construct  the  outer  packaging so that the release of carbon dioxide gas
                               is permitted to prevent a build-up of pressure that could rupture the packagings. Mark
                               the outer packaging “Dryice”.

                           iv.  If liquid nitrogen is used as refrigerant, note the presence in the outer packaging. The
                               outer packaging should have provision for the escape of the expanding refrigerant
                               when a dry shipper is not used. Mark the outer packaging  “Liquid Nitrogen”

                           v.  Shipper  shall  ensure adequate  and  appropiate refrigerants being used  inorder  to
                               maintain  required temperature (4-8 C)  upon arrival at the referral laboratories .This is
                               important to ensure good quality specimens.
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