Page 147 - Buku Panduan Perkhidmatan MKAKB
P. 147

(The    shipping    name    DIAGNOSTIC    SPECIMENS,  CLINICAL  SPECIMENS  has  been
                           phased out.)
                           Packing instruction P650 (UN) or PI 650(IATA) apply to these substances.

                           Figure  1  shows  examples  of  triple  packaging  systems  for  Category  A  and  Category  B
                           infectious substances.

                   d)      Category C

                           Category  C  applies  to  surface  transport  only.  This  covers  human,  animal  or  plant  sample
                           including  excreta,  secreta,  blood  and  its  components,  tissues  and  tissue  fluids,  not
                           belonging to Category A or B as listed in IATA Dangerous Goods Regulation. Category C
                           biological  materials  comprises  substances  with  a  low  probability  of  causing  disease  in
                           humans, animals and plants that could cause community concerns if the specimen was to
                           leak from its packaging.

                           If transported by air, IATA regulations for Exempt Patient Specimens shall be followed. If
                           transported by land, Category C shall be packaged, marked, documented and transported
                           according  to  the  requirements  in  Malaysian  Standard  MS  1042-3.  Where  the  transport  is
                           likely to be multi-modal, the packaging requirements of all modes shall be met. For example,
                           if a package is to go by both air and road, the packaging requirements for air will satisfy both

                   d)      Exempt substances

                           Substances which do not contain infectious  substances, or substances which are unlikely to
                           cause disease  in humans  or  animals, are not subject to the IATA DGR unless they meet
                           the criteria for inclusion in another class. Examples include:
                             Non-infectious biological materials from human, animals or plants non- infectious cells
                              (cell-lines), tissue cultures, blood  or  plasma from  individuals not suspected of having
                              an  infectious  disease,  DNA  or  RNA  or  other  genetic  elements,  antibodies  and  non-
                              infectious plasmids.
                             Substances which are unlikely to cause disease in human or animals
                             Substances  containing  microorganism which  are non-pathogenic to human or animals.
                            Substances which have been neutralized or inactivated such that any pathogen present
                              no longer pose a healthrisk.
                            Environmental samples including food  and  water samples which are  not considered to
                              pose  a  significant  risk  of  infection  unless  they  meet  the  criteria  for  inclusion  in
                            Dried bloodspots

                            Blood or blood components which have been collected for the purpose of transfusion or
                              the preparation of blood products to be used for transfusion or transplantation.
                            Non-infectious    biological    products  including    an  experimental    or  investigational
                              products subject to approval permit or licensing by other regulatory agencies.

                       For a comprehensive list of Exempt Substances, the current  edition of  the IATA Dangerous
                       Goods Regulations shall be consulted.
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