Page 149 - Buku Panduan Perkhidmatan MKAKB
P. 149

Appendix 3: Categories of specimen and preservatives

               Description     Proper Shipping name  UN       Hazard  Packing         Max. Net    Max Net Qty
               / Category                           number    Class    Instruction    Qty /Pkg    /pkg for
                                                                       (PI)           for         cargo
                                                                                      passenger  aircraft
                                                                                      aircraft  50  4L or 4 kg
               Category A      Infectious substance,   UN 2814   6.2   620            50 ml or
               Infectious      affecting humans                                       g
               substance,      (Technical name)
               affecting humans
               Category A      Infectious substance,   UN2900   6.2    620            50 ml or 50  4L or 4 kg
               Infectious      affecting animals                                      kg
               substance,      (Technical name)
               affecting animals
               Category B      Biological substance   UN 3373   6.2    650            4 L or 4 kg   4 L or 4 kg
               Dry Ice         Dry Ice or Carbon    UN 1845   9        954            200 kg      200 kg
                               dioxide, soild
               Non infectious   Genetically modified          9        959            No limit    No limit
               GMOs            microorganisms
               Infectious GMOs  Infectious substance   UN 2814   6.2   620            50 mL or 50  4L or 4 kg
                               affecting humans     Or                                g
                               OR Infectious        UN 2900
                               substance affecting   OR
                               animals              UN 3373            650

               Patient         “Exempt human                           Triple         Primary     Primary
               specimens       specimens” or                           packaging      receptacle   receptacle
                               “Exempt animal                                         (500 ml or   (500 ml or
                               specimens”                                             500g) Outer  500g) Outer
                                                                                      packaging   packaging
                                                                                      (4L or 4kg)   (4L or 4kg)
               Category C      Any Biological                          Triple
                               substance  For                          packaging
                               land transport
               Preserved       “Exempt human
               specimens       specimens” or
               In 10% Neutral   “Exempt animal
               buffered        specimens”
               (containing 3.7%
               or 4%
               Preserved       “Exempt human        UN 3334   9        852            Primary
               specimens in    specimens” or                  PG III                  receptacle
               Formalin        “Exempt animal                                         (30 mL)
               solutions       specimens”                                             Max Qty.
               containing 10-   REGULATED                                             Outer
               24.9%           Formaldehyde                                           package
               Formaldehyde    solution with less than                                500 mL
                               25% formaldehyde
               Formalin > 25%   Formaldehyde        UN 1198   3 (8)    Y342           1L
                               solution, flammable

                               Formaldehyde         UN 2209   8        354            5L
                               solution                       PG III   365
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