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•  Substances  which  have  been  neutralized  or  inactivated  such  that  any
                          pathogen present no longer pose a health risk.
                       •  Environmental  samples  including  food  and  water  samples  which  are  not
                          considered to pose a significant risk of infection unless they meet the criteria
                          for inclusion in another class.
                       •  Dried blood spots
                       •  Blood  or  blood  components  which  have  been  collected  for  the  purpose  of
                          transfusion or the preparation of blood products to be used for transfusion or
                       •  Non-infectious biological products including an experimental or investigational
                          products subject to approval permit or licensing by other regulatory agencies.

                       For a comprehensive list of Exempt Substances, the current edition of the IATA
                       Dangerous Goods Regulations shall be consulted.

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