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                                                                 Document Number         : MKAKB/BP/QP-03
                             QUALITY PROCEDURE
                                                                 Issue Number            : 01
                         EXAMINATION BY REFERRAL                 Issue Date              : 03.04.2016
                                LABORATORIES                     Page Number             : 2 of 6

                   6.0    PROCEDURE

                     NO.                             ACTIVITY                              RESPONSIBILITY
                    6.1.0   SELECTION AND EVALUATION OF REFERRAL
                    6.1.1   Identify the tests or services for referral examination.         LD/ HOS/ HOU

                    6.1.2   Identify the laboratory offering the services and obtain         LD/ HOS/ HOU
                            relevant information.

                            Selection of the laboratory based on :

                            a)     Within the Ministry of Health’s Laboratories or ;
                            b)     Accredited private laboratories or;
                            c)     Laboratories within Ministry of Higher Education or;
                            d)     Laboratories with special expertise.

                    6.1.3   Select and evaluate the laboratory offering the required tests   LD/ HOS/ HOU
                            using    Referral    Laboratory     Evaluation     Checklist,
                            MKAKB/BP/BR-05 (Refer Appendix 1).

                            During  selection  of  referral  laboratories  one  or  more  of  the
                            following criteria will be taken into consideration :

                            a)     Accreditation and certification status.
                            b)     List of tests offered and turnaround time.
                            c)     Participation in EQA.

                    6.1.4   Compile the evaluation checklist  for  monitoring the
                            competency  and  performance  of  the  referral  laboratories.        OIC
                            Keep all report performance of referral laboratories.

                    6.1.5   Register referral laboratories in List of Referral Laboratories,      OIC
                            MKAKB/BP/BR-06 (Refer Appendix 2).

                    6.1.6   Review performance of referral laboratories every 3 years.      LD/ HOS/ HOU/
                            Send  out the  Review of Referral Laboratory  Checklist,
                            MKAKB/BP/BR-07  (Refer Appendix 3)  to all the referral
                            laboratories whenever there are changes in their services.

                    6.1.7   Review  lists  of  tests  to  be  referred  every  3  years  or  when   LD/ HOS/ HOU/
                            necessary. The review shall include :                               SO/ OIC

                            a)     Name of tests.
                            b)     Type and amount/volume of specimen required.
                            c)     Type of container to be used.
                            d)     Mode & media of transportation (if related).

                  Disease Sector                                                           Quality Procedure
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