Page 167 - Buku Panduan Perkhidmatan MKAKB
P. 167


        OPERATOR VARIATIONS: AM-09/12, MX-09/13, QA-09/13

        This instruction applies to UN 3245 on passenger and cargo aircraft only.

        General Requirements

        The packaging must be of good quality, strong enough to withstand the shocks and loadings normally
        encountered during transport, including trans-shipment between transport units and between transport units
        and warehouses as well as any removal from a pallet or overpack for subsequent manual or mechanical
        handling. Packagings must be constructed and closed to prevent any loss of contents that might be caused
        under normal conditions of transport, by vibration, or by changes in temperature, humidity or pressure.

        Packagings must meet the provisions of IATA DGR,, and 5.0.6 and be so designed
        that they meet the construction requirements of IATA DGR 6.1 and 6.2. Outer packagings constructed of
        suitable material of adequate strength and designed in relation to the packaging capacity and its intended use
        must be used. Where this packing instruction is used for the transport of inner packagings of combination
        packagings, the packaging must be designed and constructed to prevent inadvertent discharge during normal
        conditions of transport.

        Packagings which need not conform to the packaging test requirements of IATA DGR Chapter 6, but
        conforming to the following:

        (a) an inner packaging compromising:
               1.  primary receptacle(s) and a secondary packaging, the primary receptacle(s) must be
                   leak proof or liquids or sift proof for solids;
               2.  for liquids, absorbent material placed between the primary receptacle(s) and the secondary
                   packaging. The absorbent material, must be in quantity sufficient to absorb the entirecontents of
                   the primary receptacle(s) so that any release of the liquid substance will not compromise the
                   integrity of the cushioning material or of the outer packaging;
               3.  ifmultiple fragile primary receptacles are placed in a single secondary packaging they must be
                   individually wrapped or separated to prevent contact between them.

        (b) a rigid outer packaging which must be strong enough for its capacity, weight and intended use, and with
           a smallest external dimension of at least 100mm (4inches)

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