Page 165 - Buku Panduan Perkhidmatan MKAKB
P. 165

Dangerous Goods Regulations

         PACKING INSTRUCTION 650  (continued)

         Other  dangerous  goods  must  not  be  packed  in  the  same  packaging  as  Division  6.2  Infectious  Substances  unless  they  are
         necessary  for  maintaining  the  viability,  stabilizing  or  preventing  degradation  or  neutralizing  the  hazards  of  the  infectious
         substances.  A  quantity  of  30  ml  or  less  of  dangerous  goods  included  in  Classes  3,  8  or  9  may  be  packed  in  each  primary
         receptacle containing infectious substances provided these substances meet the requirements of 2.6. When these small quantities
         of dangerous goods are packed with infectious substances in accordance with this packing instruction, no other requirements in
         these Regulations need be met.


                  This instruction applies to Class 8 liquids in Packing Group III on passenger  aircraft. The  General
                  Packing Requirements  of  5.0.2 must be met.

                  Compatibility Requirements

                   Substances  must  be compatible with their packagings as required by;
                   Substances of  Class 8 are permitted in glass inner  packagings only if the substance is free
                     from hydrofluoric  acid.

                  Closure Requirements
                     Closures must meet the requirements of;

                  Additional Packing Requirements
                     Packagings  must  meet  Packing Group II performance  standards.

                  Single packagings are not permitted.

                  COMBINATION   PACKAGINGS
                   Packaging   Net quantity per inner   Total net quantity per
                   (see 6.1)       packaging              package
                    Glass            2.5 L
                    Metal            5.0 L                 5.0 L
                    Plastic          2.5 L

                  OUTER PACKAGINGS

        Type                Drum                      Jerricans                          Box
                    Alum-   Ply-           Other       Alum-                Alum-         Ply-   stituted   Fibre-
        Desc  Steel   inium   wood   Fibre  Plastic  metal   Steel   inium   Plastic   Steel   inium   Wood   wood   wood   board   Plastic
                                                                                   4C1                       4H1
        Spec  1A2   1B2    1D    1G   1H2   1N2    3A2   3B2   3H2    4A     4B    4C2   4D     4F     4G    4H2
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