Page 164 - Buku Panduan Perkhidmatan MKAKB
P. 164

PACKING INSTRUCTION 650  (continued)
            For  transport,  the  mark  illustrated  below  must  be  displayed  on  the  external  surface  of  the  outer  packaging    on    a
            background of a contrasting colour and must be clearly visible and legible. The mark must be in the form of a square set
            at an angle of 45°  (diamond-shaped) with each side having a length of at least 50 mm (2 in), the width of the line must be
            at least 2 mm and the letters and numbers must be at least 6 mm high. The proper shipping name "Biological Substance,
            Category B" in letters at least 6 mm high must be marked on the outer packaging adjacent to the diamond-shaped  mark.

         Unless all package markings are clearly visible, the following conditions apply when packages  are placed in an
            •   The overpack must be marked  with the  word  "Overpack"; and
            •   the package markings must  be reproduced on the outside of the overpack. A Shipper's Declaration
            for Dangerous Goods is notrequired.
            Alternative  packagings  for  the  transport  of  animal  material may be  authorized by the competent
            authority in accordance  with the provisions in
            Specific Requirements
            Refrigerated or frozen specimens:  Ice, dry ice and liquid nitrogen:
            •   When  dry  ice  or  liquid  nitrogen  is  used  to  keep  specimens  cold,  all  applicable  requirements  of  these
               Regulations must be met. When used, ice or dry ice must be placed outside the secondary packagings or
               in  the  outer  packaging  or  an  overpack.  Interior  supports  must  be  provided  to  secure  the  secondary
               packagings    in  the  original  position  after  the  ice    or  dry  ice  has  dissipated.  If  ice  is  used,  the  outside
               packaging  or  overpack  must  be  leakproof.  If  dry  ice  is  used,  the  packaging  must  be  designed  and
               constructed to permit the release of carbon dioxide gas to prevent a build-up of pressure that could rupture
            •   The primary receptacle and the secondary  packaging  must  maintain their integrity at the temperature of
               the  refrigerant  used as well as the temperatures  and  the  pressures, which could result if refrigeration
               were to be lost.
            Infectious substances  assigned to UN 3373  which are  packed and marked in accordance with this packing
            instruction  are not subject  to any other requirement of these Regulations  except  for  the following:
            (a)  The name and address of the shipper and of the consignee must be provided on each package;
            (b)  The name and telephone number of a person responsible must be provided on the airway bill or on the
            (c)  The classification must be in accordance to 3.6.2;
            (d)  the incident reporting requirements  in 9.6.1 must be met; and
            (e)  the inspection for damage or leakage requirements in 9.4.1 and 9.4.2.
            When the shipper or consignee is also the' person responsible' as referred to in b) above, the name
            and address need be marked only once in order to satisfy the name and address marking provisions
            in botha) and b), above.
            Passengers  and crew members are prohibited from transporting infectious substances as or in carry-on
            baggage, checked baggage or on their person.
            If an Air Waybill is used, the "Nature and Quantity of Goods" box must show "UN 3373", the text
            "BIOLOGICAL SUBSTANCE, CATEGORY B" and the number  of packages.
            Clear  instructions  on  filling  and  closing  such  packages  must  be  provided  by  packaging  manufacturers  and
            subsequent  distributors to the shipper or to the person who prepares the package (e.g. patient) to enable the
            package to be correctly prepared  for transport.
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