Page 157 - Buku Panduan Perkhidmatan MKAKB
P. 157

     Notify shipper  and  the consignee.
                    Proceed  with  further  handling  of  the package  only if authorized and trained. Use appropriate
                     personal  protective  equipment (e.g. disposable  gloves).
                    Follow  established  spill clean-up  procedures if  required.

                       Spill clean-up procedures

               Clean-up  or  disposal  should  only  be  carried  out  by  a  competent  person.  DO  NOT  CLEAN-UP  OR
               COMPETENT PERSON.

                    Keep unauthorized  personnel  away.

                    Do not touch or walk through spilled  material.

                    Do not  touch damaged containers or  spilled material  unless  wearing  appropriate personal
                     protective  equipment  and  clothing.

                    Be particularly careful to avoid  contact  with broken glass or sharp objects  that  may cause cuts
                     or abrasions  that  could  significantly increase the risk of exposure.

                    Cover  the spill with a cloth or paper  towels to containit.

                    Pour an appropriate  disinfectant  over  the cloth or paper  towels and the  immediately
                     surrounding area (5% bleach solutions  are generally appropriate, but  for spills on aircraft,
                     quarternary  ammonium  disinfectants  should  be  used).

                    Apply  the disinfectant  concentrically beginning at the outer margin of the spill area, working
                     towards  the centre.

                    After  about 30 min, clear away the materials. If there is broken glass or other sharps are involved,
                     use  a  dustpan  or  a  piece  of  stiff  cardboard  to  collect  the  materials  and  deposit  them  into  a
                     puncture-resistant container for disposal.

                    Clean and disinfect  the area  of the  spillage.

                    Dispose of contaminated  materials into a leak-proof, puncture-resistant  waste disposal  container.

                    Obtain identity of substance  involved  and  report  the incident  and decontamination to the
                     appropriate  authorities.

                    Detailed  information on disinfectants  and  their  recommended  use  can  be  found  in
                     Laboratory biosafety manual, 3rd ed., Geneva, World Health Organization,  2004.
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