Page 160 - Buku Panduan Perkhidmatan MKAKB
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Appendix 11:  Packaging instruction (Pl)

                     Dangerous Goods Regulations

            5.6   Packing Instructions -   Class 6 -  Toxic and Infectious Substances


            OPERATOR VARIATIONS: AF-02, AM-06/10, AS-08, BR-14, BZ-07, CA-11, Cl-01, FX-09, HA-03, IJ-06, JK-03, KC-08,
            LA-07, MS-06, OU-12/16, SV-12, TK-07, TY-03,  UU-05
            This instruction applies to UN 2814 and UN 2900.
            Packagings must meet the requirements of 6.5 and must be marked as required by
            General  Requirements
            Shippers of infectious substances must comply with these Regulations and must ensure that packages  are prepared in
            such a manner that they arrive at their destination in good condition and present no hazard to persons or animals during
            The packagings must include:
            (a)  inner packagings, comprising of:
               •   leakproof primary receptacle(s);
               •   a leakproof secondary packaging;
               •   other than for solid infectious substances, absorbent material,such as cotton wool, insufficient quantity to absorb
                   the  entire  contents  placed  between  the  primary  receptacle(s)  and  the  secondary  packaging;  if  multiple  fragile
                   primary  receptacles  are  placed  in  a  single  secondary  packaging,  they  must  be  either  individually  wrapped  or
                   separated so as to prevent contact between them;
            (b)  an itemized list of contents, enclosed between the secondary packaging and the outer packaging;and
            (c)  a rigid outer packaging. The smalles text ernal dimension must be not less than 100mm(4in).
            Alternative packagings for the transport of animal material may  be authorized by the competent authority in accordance
            with the provisions in5.0.6.7.
            Whatever the intended temperature of the consignment, the primary receptacle or the secondary packaging must be
            capable of with standing, with out leakage, an internal pressure producing a pressure differential of not less than 95
            kPa (0.95bar,13.8lb/in ) and temperatures in the range of - 40°C to 55°C (- 4o•F to 130°F).
            The capability of a packaging to withstand an internal pressure without leakage that produces the specified pressure
            differential  should  be  determined  by  testing  samples  of  primary  receptacles  or  secondary  packagings.  Pressure
            differential  is  the  difference  between  the  pressure  exerted  on  the  inside  of  the  receptacle  or  packaging  and  the
            pressure  on  the outside.  The  appropriate  test  method should  be  selected  based  on receptacle  or packaging type.
            Acceptable test methods include any method that produces the required pressure differential between the inside and
            outside of a primary  receptacle  or a  secondary packaging.The test may be conducted using internal hydraulic or
            pneumatic pressure(gauge) or external vacuum test methods.Internal hydraulic or pneumatic pressure can be applied
            in most cases as the required pressure differential can be achieved under most circumstances. An external vacuum
            test is not acceptable if the specified pressure differential is not achieved and maintained.The external vacuum test is
            a generally acceptable method for rigid receptacles and packagings but is not normally acceptable for:
               flexible receptacles and flexible packagings;
               receptacles and packagings filled and closed under a absolute atmospheric pressure lower than  95 kPa.
            Additional Requirements
            Inner packagings containing infectious substances must  not be consolidated with inner packagings containing unrelated
            types of goods. Complete packages may be overpacked in accordance with the provisions of
            Other dangerous goods must not be packed in the same packaging as Division 6.2 Infectious Substances unless they are
            necessary for maintaining the viability, stabilizing or preventing degradation or neutralizing the hazards of the infectious
            substances. A quantity of 30 ml or less of dangerous goods included in Classes 3, 8, or 9 may be packed in each primary
            receptacle containing infectious substances provided these substances meet the requirements of 2.6. When these small
            quantities of dangerous goods are packed with infectious substances in accordance with this packing instruction, no other
            requirements in these Regulations need be met.
            When the infectious substances to be transported are unknown but suspected of meeting the criteria for inclusion in
            Category  A ,the words "Suspected  Category  A Infectious  Substance"  must  be shown  in parentheses following the
            proper shipping name on the itemized list of contents inside the outer packaging.
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