Page 107 - Buku Panduan Perkhidmatan MKAKB
P. 107


                           FLOW CHART                    DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY          ILLUSTRATION

                  8. Collect two or three more small     8.  Apply further gentle pressure
                 drops of blood, and use them to make       to express more blood, and

                           the thick film.               collect two or three drops on
                                                          the slide about 1 cm from the

                                                          drop intended for the thin film.

                                                        9.  Wipe the remaining blood

                  9. Wipe the remaining blood from        from the finger with clean,

                            the finger.                  dry cotton.

                                                        10.  Do not pause between

                                                          applying and spreading the

                                                          drops. Prepare the blood films
                10. Place the slide with the blood facing
                                                          with the slide lying on a
                        up on a flat surface.
                                                          flat surface.

                                                        11.  To prepare the thin film,

                                                         place the edge of a clean
                                                         “spreader” slide at 45  in front
                                                         of the blood drop intended for
                                                         the thin film.

                                                       12.  Slowly pull the “spreader”
                 11–13. Using a clean “spreader” slide,       back until it touches the
                make the thin film by pushing forwards       drop of blood and the blood
                  the one drop of blood in a smooth,       spreads along the edge of the

                        continuous motion.               “spreader”.

                                                        13.  Rapidly push the “spreader”
                                                         forwards (away from
                                                         the centre) in a smooth,
                                                         continuous motion, until the
                                                         spreader leaves a “feathery”
                                                         end for the

                                                         thin film.

                                                       14.  With the corner of the same
                                                         “spreader” used for making
                                                         the thin film, make the thick
                                                          film by swirling the three

                                                          drops of blood together
                 14. With the corner of the “spreader”,
                                                          forming a circle of about 1 cm
                make the thick film by swirling the three
                                                          in diameter size.
                drops of blood together to form a circle.
                                                          Do not stir the blood. A

                                                          circular or rectangular film

                                                         can be made by three to six
                                                         quick strokes with the corner

                                                         of the spreader.

                                                       15.  After preparing the thin and
                                                          thick blood films, allow them

                                                         to dry in air in a horizontal
                          15. Air-dry in a               position on a slide tray. If
                   horizontal position. A slide dryer      rapid drying is required,
                     may be used if rapid drying         dry the films with low heat
                            is required.                 from a hair-dryer for 5 s, at
                                                         a distance of 30 cm. Do not
                                                         place the slides too close to
                                                         the dryer, as the films might

                                                         become heat fixed.

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