Page 106 - Buku Panduan Perkhidmatan MKAKB
P. 106

then wash the affected area with soap and water as soon as possible.

                •  Sharps such as lancets and broken glass must be discarded in a “sharps” container for safe disposal
                   by incineration or autoclaving. Materials that are not sharp but are contaminated with blood must
                   be discarded in a covered pan or autoclave bag for safe disposal by incineration or autoclaving.
                •  Collect blood in an area where there is proper lighting.

            5.  PROCEDURE

                           FLOW CHART                    DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY          ILLUSTRATION

                                                      1.  Label the frosted end of the
                      1. Label the slide with the        glass slide with the patient’s
                  patient’s details and record in the      details, and document in

                             register.                   record form or a malaria
                                                         register. See SOP 06: Labelling

                                                          malaria blood films.

                                                       2.  Wearing protective latex
                                                         gloves, select the third finger
                                                         from the thumb of the non-
                                                         dominant hand (or big toe
                                                         for infants, not the heel).

                      2–3. Wearing latex gloves,         Do not use the thumb for

                 clean the third finger from the thumb       either children or adults.
                 with 70% ethanol or an alcohol swab.     3.  Hold the patient’s hand, palm
                       Let the finger dry in air.        facing upwards, and clean the
                                                          selected finger with a piece of

                                                         cotton soaked lightly in
                                                         70% ethanol or alcohol swab.
                                                         Use firm strokes to remove
                                                         dirt and oil from the ball of
                                                         the finger and to stimulate
                                                         blood circulation. Make sure
                                                         the finger is warm by applying
                                                         gentle massage if required.
                                                         Let the alcohol dry from
                                                         the finger.

                                                        4.  Using a new, sterile lancet
                    4. Prick the finger with a new,        and a quick rolling action,

                           sterile lancet.                puncture the centre of the ball

                                                          of the finger or toe.

                                                        5.  Apply gentle pressure to the
                                                          finger (or toe), and express
                5–6. Express the first drop of blood and

                     wipe it off with dry cotton.         the first drop of blood.
                                                        6.  Wipe the first drop of blood

                                                          off with dry cotton, making

                                                         sure that no cotton strands
                                                         remain on the finger that

                                                         might stick to the blood.

                                                        7.  Working quickly and handling
                7. Express and touch the blood with the       the slides only by the edges,
                slide to collect a small drop of blood, and       collect blood by applying

                     use it to make the thin film.       gentle pressure to the finger
                                                          and touching the slide to the

                                                         blood; collect a single small
                                                          drop of blood on the middle

                                                          of the slide for the thin film.

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